Work / Skyterra
Rebranding one of America’s most innovative weight loss retreats.
Skyterra is an innovative all-inclusive wellness retreat from North-Carolina USA, with focus on weight loss and healthy living through nutrition and exercise. Skyterra programs are designed to be sustainable. It’s not just a retreat, it’s a life changing experience.
Fresh, healthy, dynamic, green, nature - these were the concepts we wanted to translate into a new and coherent visual language but most of all, into a logo design that would send the right message and would be proudly worn on t-shirts, pants, water bottles and many other branded elements.
Encompassing all the right messages into one simple and easy to remember symbol was a challenge that stretched us in terms of creativity.
The human body is the center of every program at Skyterra. We wanted to illustrate this centrality by starting with a stylized human silhouette and adding rays like elements to symbolize energy, movement and overall vitality. The logotype uses lowercase letters to send a message of openness and approachability.
Starting from the logo we also developed a comprehensive icon library to further expand the brand language and to add flexibility for further growth.
The colors we used are a reminder of the organic side of the skyterra health programs which focus on healthy, raw ingredients for a balanced diet.
The new identity and especially the new logo design was warmly embraced and soon was used on every skyterra item such as: t-shirts, sport outfits, hats, water bottles, bags etc.
Skyterra was re-energised and started to become the new standard in weight loss retreat programs.
Finding that challenge and being able to deliver when expectations are high, this is what motivates us.
Viorel Nedelcu, creative director & partner, innerpride
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania