Work / Iulius Town
Rebranding western Romania’s leading mixed-use development.
Openville has been the name used by IULIUS to advertise the largest mixed-use development in western Romania. As the inauguration drew near, research was showing that people would still refer to the project as Iulius. The need for a permanent name became critical.
The project needed a name and a visual identity that resonates with the audiences and manages to embody the attachment to the Iulius brand of Timisioara’s citizens.
innerpride was appointed to supervise the complex process that included - at its core - a redefinition of the brand portfolio architecture for the entire group.
This project is like a sensational watchmaking, its exterior beauty is matched only by the complexity of its innerworks.
George Nisioiu, founder & partner
At its core, the project had an important strategic component - the redefinition of the brand portfolio architecture for the entire group.
We re-assessed the entire brand portfolio, from a functional point of view trying to understand current interactions but keeping in mind future development plans.
innerpride has designed a solution that captures the spirit of the project and its place in the city. The metaphor of the laurel wreath was not only the natural choice but also extremely powerful in its simplicity.
“Your Town” is a twofold brand promise – it talks about the pride of a hard working community and also about the concept of the entire endeavour, to create „a city within a city”.
The results were as beautiful as they were functional. Now Timisoara has a location that unites the community and brings a sense of local pride being at the same time a place of mixed functionalities.
Iulius Town will be known as the vibrant heart of the city, a location for everyone and a staple of Timisoara’s future driven development strategy.
innerpride is our traditional partner. We've had no doubt they would get the job done and outpass our expectations.
Raluca Munteanu, business development manager, Iulius Group
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania